What dimensions of water are neglected when using a commons lens?
How does Water as a fugitive resource
challenge governance?
How can a commons approach incorporate the existence of multiple values and power dynamics among users?
In the face of societal change, what is the role of gender in water commons governance?


May 19-21, 2021





For IASC members only

March 27, 2021

April 4, 2021

May 7, 2021


Welcome to the

IASC 2021 Water Commons Virtual Conference

Aim & Scope

We are pleased to announce our call for individual presentations, special sessions, webinar panel discussions, and methods workshops. This conference aims to bring together scholars and practitioners on the water commons broadly understood. We will cover topics including climate change impacts — flooding, storm surge, drought, and other extreme precipitation events — involving all forms of water — ice sheets, glaciers, rivers & lakes, groundwater, clouds, effluent — and all types of water uses — irrigation, industrial, instream flows, habitat protection, energy generation, urban and domestic consumption, and cultural practices, among many others.

Water governance and management at multiple scales is central for addressing impacts and collective action dilemmas that emerge in no small part because water is a fugitive resource. What special governance challenges are raised by the fact that water is a fugitive resource? Is multi-level, or polycentric, governance the most appropriate approach for dealing with water? What other forms of governance or management, such as formal and informal markets, regulation, public-private partnerships, and collaborations, are possible and how do they interact with the commons?

The topic of the water commons is iconic in common pool resource studies. In our three day virtual event, we thus want to address the following questions: What are the blind spots in treating water as a commons? What important dimensions of water are neglected in using a commons lens? How can a commons approach incorporate the existence of multiple values and power dynamics among users? What is the role of gender, and marginalized communities, in water commons governance, in the face of societal change? Conversely, what dimensions of water would be better understood if brought under a commons lens? How can a commons approach guide policy to create, manage, or modify hard (buildings), soft (institutions), and green (nature-based) infrastructure?

As a web-conference within a series of conferences organized by the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC), we will facilitate a discussion among water scholars and practitioners on the many and diverse governance challenges of sustainably managing all forms of water across multiple scales, with a special emphasis on equity.


Water Tracks

This is one of the most challenging topics for commons governance. Information on pollution and its sources is costly to identify. Polluters have few reasons for engaging in collective action to address the public bads they are producing. Yet, what roles can and does self-governance play in addressing such problems? Is self-governance better matched with state regulation or markets to satisfactorily address water pollution? 

  • Heavy polluters – water protection management in industrial regions and in the mining sector: approaches, solutions, future scenarios.
  • Invisible intruders – contaminants of emerging concerns, i.e. micro-pollutants, in our water bodies: how to manage the small and how to raise awareness of it?
  • Supersaturation of phosphorus and nitrate – how to tackle one of the nine planetary boundaries?
  • Agriculture’s footprint on water – governing pesticide use.
  • Acute accidents – Mauritius, the Gulf of Mexico, Siberia, the Rio Doce, and many others – how to learn from the past to avoid future damages to aquatic and marine ecosystems?
  • Disproportionate impacts on disadvantaged communities.

Access to water is a basic human right but water for human uses is increasingly scarce because of increases in population, industrial pollution, and climate change impacts, and the global south is especially vulnerable. This has put stress on water commons in lakes, rivers, reservoirs, and aquifer recharge and governance challenges are pronounced because water flows across jurisdictional boundaries, from local to international. Less flow of water in rivers, unabated extraction of water, excessive agriculture, industrial and municipal consumption has led to a drop in the water table. Considerable mindfulness is needed for sustainable use of water commons.

  • Water scarcity, and single-source control, disputes, and collective action for inter and intrastate conflict resolution
  • Threats to the world’s largest river basin systems: Infrastructure, dams, climate change, navigation, and over-extraction
  • Challenges to freshwater and ecosystem commons
  • Agriculture, industrial and municipal water consumption, sustainable strategies and conservation technologies, and water treatment
  • Challenges to access to potable water to communities, including commercialization of potable water, greywater usage, and water conservation.

We are already facing the impact of the global rise in temperature with severe forest fires in California, Australia or Siberia, coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef, and a drastic decline of the Arctic ice, to name just a few. Responses to climate change have traditionally relied on the development of new and more grey infrastructure — such as dams and reservoirs to regulate flooding and seawalls to combat sea level rise; but what about different forms of soft infrastructure and green infrastructure for providing for protection? How do current governance systems manage interdependent infrastructures? How can governance structures and learning processes help to anticipate climate change impacts on water resources and human livelihoods depending on them?

  • Protection against water as a commons – How to govern the absence or excess of water?
  • Collective action in the face of sudden events (i.e. flooding or storm surge).
  • Collective action in the face of slow-occurring crises (i.e. sea-level rise or drought) – how to anticipate their impact and handle the change of landscapes caused by these events?
  • Preparing for climate change – managing the reduction of water use and water collection and organizing water filtration from the small to the big scale
  • Governance of wastewater.

Governing transboundary water resources poses significant collective action challenges for governments.  As an example, the River Nile basin is shared by more than 10 countries that are dependent on the Nile system for water, this dependence can be a source of conflict between upper riparian and lower riparian users. Many approaches have emerged in response, from polycentricity to Integrated Water Resources Management, yet limitations exist in their definition, implementation, and assessment. These limitations have recently heightened, as national-level governments (like the U.S. federal government) have attempted to modify legislation aimed to protect water resources, leaving local governments with the responsibility of developing alternative mechanisms to protect water quality and quantity.

  • Water governance across scales (i.e. across jurisdictions, communities, uses).
  • Bringing the (local) government back – Local and regional governance in the face of national-scale deregulation.
  • Governance across the water cycle (i.e. surface, groundwater, clouds)
  • Governance across sectors (food, energy, water)

From its inception, the commons literature has paid close attention to indigenous knowledge for identifying instances of commons self-governance. As our climate rapidly changes due to human action, governments renege on environmental protections, and markets crowd out resources, how are indigenous communities defending traditional ways of life and responding to calls for environmental justice? How are indigenous communities adapting and mobilizing to defend traditional knowledge?

  • How can different perceptions of water (as a relatively ubiquitous resource of economic value vs. as a way of life) be incorporated into an effective water governance framework?
  • Indigenous activism and environmental justice – current frictions between native communities and government & market pressures that jeopardize traditional ways of life. How are these struggles manifested in different regions of the world?
  • Traditional knowledge and climate change – how are native communities responding to changing water landscapes?
  • Sustainable water use practices – learning from indigenous knowledge and experience.

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development goals include access to clean water and sanitation. Although, by its nature, water flows across uses and users, its management has often been segmented, particularly between so-called “economically productive” uses (such as irrigation or industrial use) and “domestic” uses.  The former often involve mostly men, while Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) programs target women, who are often most responsible for and affected by insufficient domestic supplies and sanitation.  How can taking a gendered approach to water as a commons help overcome these divides?  Possible topics on this theme include:

  • Gendered roles, responsibilities, and rights to water: How are men’s and women’s rights and responsibilities with regard to water compatible with their differential roles and preferences? How does gender intersect with other aspects of marginality, such as caste or ethnicity in rights to clean water?
  • Gendered analysis of participation in water governance–across water use sectors and types of governance arrangements: What roles do women and men play in managing and governing diverse water sources and uses, how can women’s participation be enhanced, and how do women as decision makers make a difference for achieving sustainability of water uses
  • WASH as a gendered commons: The public health aspects of WASH are a public good.  Although numerous studies note the inequities and challenges facing women and girls in manually providing water for household uses, in unsafe sanitation, and in caring for sick family members, achieving desired WASH outcomes requires participation by both men and women. How can insights from commons research contribute to these outcomes.

Types of


We welcome different kinds of contributions:

Presentations are prerecorded talks of 10 minutes, and presenters can indicate whether they want to participate in a webinar with presenters of similar topics. We allow for presentations in Spanish, French or Mandarin, besides English.  The audience will be able to access the videos with subtitles. The discussion forum on the talks will be in English only.

A special session consists of at least four individual presentations (pre-recorded 10 minute videos). Participants asynchronously interact with the presenter on the presentation in the comment section.

The focus of a webinar is debate. Panelists may make short statements after which there is a moderated discussion during which questions from the audience are addressed. The duration of the webinar is 1 hour.

A methods workshop provides training on a specific approach for collecting or analyzing data relevant to the study of water commons. Workshops typically last between 2 and 3 hours.

Explore Our

Methods Workshops

Click on the workshop titles to view details and to register.

Led by Edella Schlager, University of Arizona and Saba Siddiki, Syracuse University

The institutional grammar is a prominent approach for understanding and analyzing institutions. First developed by Sue Crawford and Elinor Ostrom, it has been applied across a variety of institutional domains. The methods workshop will offer a tutorial in the grammar. Workshop participants will learn about the theoretical foundations of the grammar, engage in coding laws and regulations, and explore different approaches for measuring and analyzing the coded data.<br>


When: Wednesday, May 19, 2021. 6:00 – 8:00 am (AZ UTC-7)
Check your time zone here.


Led by Emanuele Fantini, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education

In this workshop I would like to share our experience of using podcast as a research and communication tool in two projects: the first on the role of media in water conflicts and cooperation along the Nile river; the second on water and the commons in Italy ten years after the victory of the referendum against the privatisation of water services.
The workshop is based on the podcast pathway that we presented in this article:
Fantini, E., & Buist, E. (2021). Searching for the Sources of the Nile through a podcast: what did we find?. Journal of Science Communication, 20(2), N01.
The workshop is structured in three sessions, in line with the three phases of the podcast pathway (design, production, communication). In each session there will be an introduction followed by exercises that the participants will do in break-out rooms. The three sessions revolve around three podcast values and the role that voice plays therein.

Session 1 “Listening” is about the voice of the interlocutor and explores how interlocutor interview podcasting offers a meaningful opportunity to practice active listening skills.

Session 2 “Editing” is about the author’s voice. Here we reflect on the ethical and political implications of editing as a process in which voice is given to or taken away from different actors involved in the governance of water and commons.

Session 3 “Sharing” is about the audience’s voice. Here we reflect on how the podcast can be used to promote and reward a community of interests and practice, and how to collect and follow up the audience’s feedback.

No prior experience in podcasting is requested to attend the workshop. All that is required to join is your ears, a smartphone (or recording device); a pen/pencil and notebook/paper; a piece of paper of your favourite color (preferably A4 size).


When: Wednesday, May 20, 2021. 2:00 – 4:00 am (AZ UTC-7)


Led by Jacopo Baggio, University of Central Florida

Workshop participants will receive hands-on training on key concepts and approaches in Social Network Analysis. Participants will be introduced and have the opportunity to conduct basic social network analysis using social-ecological data.


When: Wednesday, May 20, 2021. 7:00 – 9:00 am (AZ UTC-7)
Check your time zone here.

Led by Ruth Meinzen-Dick (IFPRI), Thomas Falk (ICRISAT), Pratiti Priyadarshini (Foundation for Ecological Security), and Richu Sanil (Foundation for Ecological Security)

The need for effective governance of water resources is well established; what is not well established is what can be done to strengthen collective governance of water resources, particularly on the scale necessary to address widespread depletion of resources and degradation of water-related infrastructure. Blueprint rules introduced in a top-down manner have not changed water users’ behavior. There is strong evidence that effective community rules and their enforcement can motivate such behavior (Ostrom 1990). The better these rules fit the social-ecological context (Ostrom 2007) and internalized norms (Falk et al. 2012), the more effective they will be. Participatory development approaches have addressed these challenges (Pahl-Wostl and Hare 2004; Kolb 1984). The key question is how to promote such coordination, rules, and behavior in a participatory way without external imposition and in a low-cost manner that supports large-scale implementation.
This workshop will present the use of behavioral games as part of a well-structured interventions package for experiential social learning to improve water governance. The interventions have been tested in more than 500 communities and are currently being rolled out in over 2,000 additional ones in India through a collaborative project by Foundation for Ecological Security, International Food Policy Research Institute, International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, and Martin-Luther University-Hall.
After a brief presentation of the overall approach, the underlying behavioral change concepts and the history of use of games for understanding and improving water governance, we will demonstrate the play of a surface water game simulating maintenance of a shared facility and sharing of water among players. The session will address practical issues as well as findings to date on how these games and community debriefing can contribute to changing mental models and social learning for water collective water governance.
All workshop participants will receive a copy of a Sourcebook on Strengthening Governance of Water Commons, covering the underlying principles of “commoning” water, surface and groundwater games as well as other tools, and sample rules that communities have applied.


When: Wednesday, May 21, 2021. 7:00 – 9:00 am (AZ UTC-7)
Check your time zone here.


Online Conference

No hassle, costs, or carbon emissions from traveling. Attend the entire conference safely from home.

Three Days

Three days packed with prerecorded sessions and live events.

Meetup and Network

Interact with your peers during networking events.


Important Dates

March 27, 2021

Deadline for abstract submission

March 27, 2021
April 4, 2021

Notification on acceptance/rejection

April 4, 2021
May 7, 2021

Deadline for pre-recorded video submission

May 7, 2021
May 19-21, 2021

Event dates

May 19-21, 2021



This virtual conference is accessible for small fees to cover the costs of the implementation of the meetings. All presenters will have to be or become IASC members. IASC members pay 10 dollars to attend the virtual conference live. All conference material will be available to IASC members after the conference. If you are not an IASC member, you can easily register here. Non-IASC members can attend the conference for a fee of 50 dollars. Dependent on sponsoring, waivers are available for early-career scholars and practitioners from the global south.

IASC Members
$ 10
$ 50

Meet The Team


Edella Schlager

Professor, School of Government & Public Policy, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA

Steering Committee

Laura Herzog

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Environmental Systems Research, University of Osnabrück, Germany

Wai-Fung (Danny) Lam

Director of the Center for Civil Society and Governance, University Hong Kong

Ruth Meinzen-Dick

Senior Research Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute

Tomás Olivier

Assistant Professor at the School of Public Administration, Florida Atlantic University, USA

Seemi Waheed

Assistant Professor at the School of Governance and Society, University of Management and Technology, Pakistan


Event Sponsors

Live Events


The Water Commons Conference and the Polycentricity Conference overlap on Wednesday, May 19, and conference participants of the Water Commons Conference can attend one live event of the Polycentricity Conference. Furthermore, we have a special networking event where participants of both conferences can mingle.

All times are in Arizona time (UTC -7). Last program update 5/14/2021.

21:00 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm, May 20
Webinar Panel 5 – Governing and Conserving Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems as Commons

Moderators: Shuchi Vora

Panelists: Allison Aldous, Sushmita Mandal, Yogesh Jadeja, and Sazina Bhimani

22:00 10:00 pm - 11:00 pm, May 19
Panel 3 – Irrigation institutions in East Asia

Moderators: Raymond Wang and Wai-Fung (Danny) Lam

Panelists: Ying Chai, Yahua Wang, and Raymond Yu Wang

10:00 pm - 11:00 pm, May 20
Panel 8 – Research methods in studying climate change and water security

Moderator: Mingxuan Fan, Co-Moderator: Eduardo Araral

Panelists: Hoon Cheol Shin, Maki Nakajima, Joost Buurman, and Corinne Ong

23:00 11:00 pm, May 18 - 12:00 am, May 19
Keynote Conversation 1 – Water Governance in Europe

Speaker: Claudia Pahl-Wostl

Moderator: Laura Herzog

11:00 pm, May 19 - 12:00 am, May 20
Webinar Panel 2 – Water, Development, and Water Laws in South Asia

Moderator: Seemi Waheed

Panelists: Hassan Abbas and Ahmad Rafay Alam

11:00 pm, May 20 - 12:00 am, May 21
Keynote Conversation 5 – Technologies for improving water availability and quality in Pakistan

Speakers: Saad Khan and Kamran Naeem

Moderator: Seemi Waheed

24:00 12:00 am - 2:00 am
12:00 am - 1:00 am, May 20
Keynote Conversation 3 – Farmer-led Irrigation in Nepal

Speaker: Prachanda Pradhan

Moderator: Wai-Fung (Danny) Lam

12:00 am - 1:00 am, May 21
Networking Event

Meet with other participants on our Wonder.me space

1:00 1:00 am - 2:00 am, May 20
Panel 4 – Adaptation and its limitations

Moderator: Laura Herzog

Panelists: Nick Bourguignon, Matteo Roggero, David Katz, Makpal Assembayeva, and Laura Turley

1:00 am - 2:00 am, May 21
Panel 9 – Collaboration, property rights, and scale

Moderator: Seemi Waheed

Panelists: Yahua Wang, Diana Suhardiman, and Vinay Sankar

2:00 2:00 am - 3:00 am, May 19
Panel 1 – Rules, collaboration, and nested enterprises

Moderator: Wai-Fung (Danny) Lam

Panelists: Sadao Harada, Sharon Pollard, Jim Sinner, Sitti Rahma Ma'mun, and Everisto Mapedza

2:00 am - 4:00 am, May 20
Workshop 2 – Listening, editing, sharing. Three memos on voice and podcasting in water and commons research

Instructor: Emanuele Fantini

Learn More...


2:00 am - 3:00 am, May 21
Panel 10 – Power and politics of water governance

Moderator: Wai-Fung (Danny) Lam

Panelists: Sola Kim, Diana Suhardiman, Lavanya Suresh, and Faith Chan

3:00 3:00 am - 4:00 am
3:00 am - 4:00 am, May 21
Webinar Panel 6 – Reimagining, remembering and recommoning water: Reflections on an ongoing blog series (Part 2)

Moderators: Gustavo García López, Irene Leonardelli, and Emanuele Fantini

Panelists: Orla O'Donnovan, Sergio Villamayor-Tomás, Andreas Bieler, Jampel Dell'Angelo, Fabio de Castro, and Nick Bourguignon

4:00 4:00 am - 5:00 am, May 19
Panel 2 – Design principles and polycentricity

Moderator: Laura Herzog

Panelists: Nadine Jenny Shirin Schröder, Per Forsberg, Nora Schütze, Srinivasa Reddy Srigiri, and Ines Dombrowsky

4:00 am - 5:00 am, May 20
Panel 5 – Customary water tenure: a commons lens filling the voids in the water sector

Moderator: Barbara Van Koppen

Panelists: Jessica Troell and Patience Mukuyu

4:00 am - 5:00 am, May 21
Panel 11 – The Evolution of Markets and the Water Commons: Pressures, Patterns and Pathways of Water Governance Reform

Moderator: Dustin Garrick

Panelists: Dustin Garrick, Gina Gilson, Jesper Svensson, Leslie Sanchez, Fabiola Alvarado-Revilla, and Jampel Dell'Angelo

5:00 5:00 am - 6:00 am, May 19
Keynote Conversation 2 – Water Governance in Kenya

Speaker: Albert O. Mumma

Moderator: Elizabeth Baldwin

5:00 am - 6:00 am, May 20
Keynote Conversation 4 – Institution-building for participatory water governance in Brazil

Speakers: Margaret Keck and Rebecca Abers

Moderator: Tomás Olivier

5:00 am - 6:00 am, May 21
Keynote Conversation 6 – Water governance and challenges in South Africa

Speaker: Barbara Schreiner

Moderator: Barbara Van Koppen

6:00 6:00 am - 8:00 am, May 19
Workshop 1 – Institutional Grammar Tool

Instructors: Edella Schlager and Saba Siddiki

Learn More...


6:00 am - 7:00 am, May 20
Networking Event

Meet with other participants on our Wonder.me space

6:00 am - 7:00 am
7:00 7:00 am - 9:00 am, May 20
Workshop 3 – Social-Ecological Network Analysis

Instructor: Jacopo Baggio

Learn More...


7:00 am - 9:00 am, May 21
Workshop 4 – Games for Social Learning on Water Governance

Instructors: Ruth Meinzen-Dick, Thomas Falk, and Richu Sanil

Learn More...


8:00 8:00 am - 9:00 am, May 19
Webinar Panel 1 – Reimagining, remembering and recommoning water: Reflections on an ongoing blog series

Moderators: Gustavo García López, Irene Leonardelli, and Emanuele Fantini

Panelists: Jenia Mukherjee, Patrick Bresnihan, Emilie Dupuits, Elliot Hurst, Siti Maimunah, Cleo Woelfle-Erskine, and Kat Taylor

9:00 9:00 am - 10:00 am, May 19
Panel Discussion – Polycentric water governance

Mderator: Christian Schleyer
Panelists: Elke Herrfahrdt-Pähle, Nadine Jenny Shirin Schröder, Anita Milman, Srinivasa Reddy Srigiri, Nelson Jatel, Brockton Feltman, and Sybil Diver

Join panel discussion from the IASC 2021 Polycentricity Virtual Conference

9:00 am - 10:00 am
9:00 am - 11:00 am
10:00 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, May 19
Networking Event

Meet with other participants on our Wonder.me space. This event is combined with attendees of the IASC 2021 Polycentricity Virtual Cnference.

10:00 am - 11:00 am, May 20
Panel 6 – Collective action in water governance

Moderator: Ruth Meinzen-Dick

Panelists: Sharon Pollard, Bryan Bruns, Marta Nieto-Romero, and Theresa Marie Lorenzo, and Mansee Bal Bhargava

11:00 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, May 20
Webinar Panel 3 – Advancing the study of collective action in agricultural water commons: theoretical fits, misfits and opportunities to draw on parallel theories

Moderator: Kira Sullivan-Wiley

Panelists: Courtney Hammond Wagner, Gemma Smith, and Landon Yoder

11:00 am - 12:00 pm, May 21
Panel 12 – The interplay between social and ecological variables in water governance

Moderator: Tomás Olivier

Panelists: Jaishri Srinivasan, Terin Mayer, Kofi Akamani, and Ian Hoyt

12:00 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm, May 20
Webinar Panel 4 – Collective rights to water in Chile in times of constitutional change

Moderators: Carl Bauer

Panelists: Manuel Prieto, Maria Cristina Fragkou, and Pia Weber

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm, May 21
Closing Event – The Transdisciplinary Study and Experience of Water, Now and Into the Future

Moderator: Edella Schlager and Ruth Meinzen-Dick

Panelists: Jampel Dell'Angelo and Insa Theesfeld

13:00 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm, May 20
Panel 7 – Water governance in the Americas

Moderator: Tomás Olivier

Panelists: Amael Notini Moreira Bahia, Michael Aiuvalasit, Sybil Diver, and María de los Ángeles López Jaimes

Interact Via


When the conference content becomes available, we will provide a link to join the conference’s Slack workspace. Joining will allow you to communicate directly with other conference participants, coordinate meetups, share information, etc.

Interact with other participants in our

Meeting Room

During the conference, you will be able to mingle with other participants in our Wonder Room (from https://wonder.me). The video below gives a simple introduction on how to use the platform. Once you log into the conference website you’ll find information about the location of the Wonder Room.

Listen and COntribute to our

Spotify playlist

We are creating a conference theme-based Spotify playlist available to all participants. During the conference, you will be able to add songs to the list.

Our recommendations

Tips and Tricks for the conference

You can contact us at iasc@asu.edu for the following issues

“I lost my conference key”
“I need a certificate of conference participation

How to get the most out of the IASC 2021 Water Commons Virtual Conference

Welcome to IASC 2021 Water Commons Virtual Conference! We are excited to have you on board! Whether this is your first time attending a virtual conference, or if this is one of many that you have experienced, we would like to give you some tips to increase your focus and make the most of your time during this event.

Block off your calendar

When we attend an in-person conference, part of what makes it special is being away from home, office, and our usual daily routine. We suggest that you do the same for this virtual conference. Let your employers, students, colleagues, and family know that you are immersing yourself in this 3-day conference. We are offering real-time panel discussions and networking events. Get the real-time events that you want to attend onto your calendar first. Then schedule time for yourself to enjoy the pre-recorded presentations.

Using Slack

During this conference, we will be communicating in real-time through a Slack workspace with a variety of Slack channels. If you are not familiar with Slack, check out this tutorial.

Interact with other participants

Encourage friends and colleagues to attend the conference with you. Utilize the comment sections on the pre-recorded presentations to ask questions and create dialogues about various points of view. Schedule 1-on-1 virtual meet-ups with people you meet during our various events. Throughout the conference, a virtual meeting place will be available for you to interact with other attendees at any time. We will be using the wonder.me platform as discussed in “Meet Other Participants”.

Let this event have a lasting impact

After the conference, the presentations will still be available to you. Live events will be recorded and posted for you to watch again. Stay connected to the participants you met while networking. If you are not an IASC member, consider joining and participating in future events.

Create a gravatar for your comments

We strongly recommend that you create a gravatar so that your picture is displayed next to your comments. 

How to create your gravatar

1.  Visit the Gravatar website to sign up. It’s located at https://gravatar.com.

2.  Click on the “Create Your Own Gravatar” button.

3.  Sign up for Gravatar with a WordPress.com account. Or click Already have a WordPress.com account? to sign in. 

4.  Click on the link in the confirmation email. Check your spam folder if you don’t see an email from WordPress.com.

5.  Go back to Gravatar and login if necessary.

6.  Click the “Add a new image” button.

7.  Click the “Upload new” button.

8.  Click “Choose File” and pick a profile picture from your computer. Then click “Next”.

9.  Crop your image by moving the box that is overlaid on the image you choose. Then click on “Crop Image” below.

10.  Choose an image rating that reflects the content of your avatar. Then click the “Set Rating” button below.

Be aware that the use of an image that is X-rated will automatically prevent you from using it on a number of websites.

11.  Start using it. When you create accounts on other websites with the same email address and that site uses Gravatar, your profile image should automatically be set to your currently selected profile picture from your Gravatar account. If you change your Gravatar image for your email account in Gravatar, it should update your profile picture on other sites automatically.